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Rich CASTELLANO Facial Plastic Surgery Earns Ýts Place On ‘most Popular’ Holiday Gift List
Trends show Tampa Bay is investing in the ‘gift of youth’ for close friends and family this holiday season Tampa, FL (December 07, 2011) – Let’s face it. Giving and receiving holiday gifts can be a daunting task. From fighting mall crowds to finding the perfect gift to faking enthusiasm for that less than appealing new sweater, we don’t always get (or give) a gift that’s truly wanted or needed. The good news is that giving our loved ones a gift that makes them look and feel better has become an increasingly popular choice in the Tampa Bay area. It’s facial cosmetic surgery. HolidayPraye... [more..]
Rich CASTELLANO Brotox A Phenomenon Popular Ýn Tampa Bay
More men refreshing their appearances with facial fillers than ever before Tampa, FL (January 23, 2011) – According to the Urban Dictionary, a “Bromance” describes the complicated love and affection shared by two straight males. Now, there’s a new term, “Brotox”– and it’s become increasingly popular throughout Tampa Bay. Brotox describes the phenomenon of “men’s men” refreshing their facial appearances with Botox and other popular facial fillers like Dysport, Radiesse, Sculptra, Xeomin, Perlane and and other nips and tucks – something this demographic might have historically shied away from... [more..]
Rich CASTELLANO Proof Positive, Facial Lifting Procedures Work
Face lifts remove about 9 years from faces, new study reveals Tampa, FL (February 22, 2012) – A new study released Monday, February 20th, 2012, in the Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery found that face lifting procedures really do make men and women look younger – almost 9 years younger to be exact. When shown photos of 60 participants that have had face lifting procedures, medical student evaluators rated that on average, these patients looked 8.9 years younger than their chronological age, post-surgery. Tampa-based double board certified facial cosmetic surgeon Richard Castellano, M... [more..]
Liposuction Is A Treatment For Obesity
[by Thomas LOCKE MD]
In the context of consultation for a body contouring procedure I am frequently asked: “How many pounds will I lose?” Conventional wisdom suggests that this is a bad prognostic sign. Traditional teaching and custom holds that liposuction is NOT a treatment for obesity. Patients focused on pounds and not appearance are not supposed to be good candidates for cosmetic surgery. In some plastic surgery practices the surgeon will not do a procedure on a patient with a BMI greater than 30. Lipo suction has traditionally been viewed as a treatment for the skinny ladies. Traditionally the “ideal pa... [more..]
Weight Loss After Pregnancy
[by Michele CAVENEE MD]
Postpartum Weight Loss Many women are faced with the task of shedding excess weight after childbearing, and they often seek medical guidance for weight loss. Some were overweight prior to pregnancy, while others gained excessive weight while “eating for two.” Regardless of the specific nature of the weight gain, the weeks and months following delivery involve attempts at weight loss for most women. Questions often arise as to how to safely accomplish weight loss after pregnancy, and whether or not special considerations are indicated when a new mother is breast-feeding. It is widely ... [more..]
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Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Diane M LONG recommended by Babsett :

For years I have had problems with Fibroids and other things. Every time I got to Dr. Long she always makes you feel comfortable and she has a great bedside manner. Even though you may be in alot of pain she makes you feel at ease. She is very easy to talk to and she understanads what you are going through. The whole staff at Ruck Clinic is wonderful.

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South Carolina
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Susan MARIK recommended by malistica :

She has been a great doctor for me over the last two years and i would not trade her for any other OBGYN. I wish i would have had the luxury of her for my pregnancies.

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Brad Timothy PFAU MD
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Brad Timothy PFAU recommended by Elaine H :

Excellent choice for your kids. He is caring and gentle with children and practices high moral standards. He listens to you and never makes you feel rushed. I believe that the recommendations he makes are always in the best interest of your child. I recommend him highly.

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Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Igor BRONDZ recommended by Diana T :

I have suffered from endo, since the start of my periods. I also recently found out that I have PCOS I brought my test results to Dr. Brondz and he suggested a TAH leaving me w/ both Ovaries, I will be treated for the PCOS, He was very kind and I felt very comfortable having him do my surgery which was done on 9/22/08. He has been wonderful keeping me comfortable during my recovery and when ever I have had concerns Dr. Brondz has called me personally to address them. He is a great Dr. and I recommend him to any female in the Saint Louis and surrounding area.He will talk to you not at you which a lot of Dr.s tend to do.

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Darius Ray MEHREGAN recommended by John S :

One of the most knowledgeable, most intelligent and detail-oriented physicians I know. He is also very cordial as well. JS

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South Carolina
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John ORAK recommended by Mark :

I recommend Dr Orak because he has been my sons doctor for almost two years now. My son was diagnosed with minimal change disaease nephrotic syndrome. Dr Orak became our doctor when our son was hospitalized for the nephrotic syndrome the first time. Here is the following information I know about Dr. Orak: John K. Orak Medical University of South Carolina Degree: M.D. Title: - Associate Professor - Director of Pediatric Nephrology Interest/Specialty: - End-stage renal disease - Organ preservation - Free radicals in renal ischemia Advanced Degree: M.D. awarded by George Washington University, 1977 Residency: University of Florida Fellowship: University of Florida Specialties: Nephrology - Pediatric Board Certified: Pediatrics:Pediatric Nephrology Language(s): English The reason I am recommending Dr. Orak is for several reasons. - When I page Dr.Orak on the weekend, He Calls me back within five minutes and it is never a bother to hi... [More..]

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John L SHUSS recommended by Kim :

Dr. Shuss and his assistant Robin are two of the most dedicated, professional helth care providers we have encountered. He operated on my wife and in follow-up refered her in what has been a potentinally life saving move on his behalf. Rather than let his ego get in the way, when he encountered an issue he could not resolve that had possible grave implications, he involved a second doctor who, because of Dr. Shuss' referal, was able to further treat the problem before it became more critical. We have great respect for this Doctor and his staff. He is a hero. He may be a bit overworked but that is because of his skilled practice. If you can get past a little schedule shuffling he is the man!

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Merrick Jay WETZLER MD
New Jersey
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Merrick Jay WETZLER recommended by Red :

Dr.Wetzler has been our family Orthopedic doctor for a few years. He is the best, always caring and concerned about his patients. His sense of humor and his attitude, tends to put his patients at ease, whether it is in the office or if a patient is having surgery. Dr. Wetzler always puts his patients first and goes above and beyond what is normally expected. I would highly recommend Dr. Wetzler to anyone who wants the finest care they could receive.

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Michael Ward BRENNAN MD
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Michael Ward BRENNAN recommended by Lachlan :

Great personality, to the point, easy to understand and has helped me a lot.

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Kevin Ryan RAYLS MD
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Kevin Ryan RAYLS recommended by Lisa :

I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer by Dr. Rayls. He's an amazing person with very high Surgeon credentials. He took me under his care, got rid of the cancer and sent me to the best Oncologist in Vegas for future preventive care. He has great bed side manners and gives you the time needed to ask every question imaginable. Besides saving my life and doing it with such skill that I was able to keep my breast, I would say his best asset his ability to assure you that you will be okay and HE will get you through what ever ailment you have. Thats more than any doctor or any surgeon has every said to me in my lifetime. He takes personal responsibility in his patients. I highly reccomend him. Lisa S. (Mrs. Kokomo)

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Daryl Trent GREEBON MD
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Daryl Trent GREEBON recommended by Jacqueline G :

Dr. Greebon and his associates and staff extended to me exceptional customer service and medical care. In addition to having the "latest and greatest" available options such as his credentials on the Davinci Robot for procedures, Dr. Greebon and his staff respond promptly and take the time to ensure you are fully informed when making important medical decisions. Dr. Greebon is a compassionate, caring and skilled physician who I would reccomend very highly. I work in the medical field and work with many physicians on a daily basis and can attest to his superior skill and mannerism toward his patients!

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L Y Frank WU MD
Allergy & Immunology
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L Y Frank WU recommended by chad :

I have been seeing Dr. Wu for 20 years now. I had acute asthma as a child as well as severe allergies to about everything. Dr. Wu was the 3rd specialist we tried, and he got my symptoms under control. I now have a dog + cat without complications, and my asthma has been well controlled for 15 years. I normally see him once a year now for checkups, but he is always available when needed. I caught pneumonia twice and he went out of his way to get me relevant prescriptions and schedule a timely followup within a day, even though I am out of town. I drive 50 miles to see him, if that isn't a recommendation, I don't know what is!

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Alan Joel ROTHBART recommended by john r :

Dr. Rothbart and his office reminds me of the way medical care used to be. Wonderful, caring personal attention, speedy response time, and the exceptional medical experience of Dr. Rothbart for shoulder and knee problems. He is a conservative, experienced doctor who explains everything to you. he works hard to make any procedure or surgery to be pain free and aids in the recovery and rehab period.

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Renee Palmyra ARMOUR MD
New Jersey
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Renee Palmyra ARMOUR recommended by Melissa K :

Dr. Renee Armour is a wonderful Doctor. Every time I went into the Hospital for tests everyone in contact with my file also told me she was one of the Best Breast Surgeons in the state. That alone makes you feel at ease when your going through numerous tests. Dr. Renee Armour has what many Doctors today have lost......a human touch with her patient and a listening ear...something I thought was gone forever. Truly a special person!

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Internal Medicine
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Kyle MITCHELL recommended by Hillary D :

Dr. Mitchell is a General Practice doctor who practices in Woodstock, GA. He is a very understanding and compassionate Doctor, and will spend as much time is necessary with all of his patients. He's not one of those Dr's that tries to throw medicine at you and get you out the door, he really gets to the root of your problem and treats you accordingly. I would recommend him to everyone I know!

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Mouna ABOUAMARA recommended by Gooden :

Dr Mouna was our family doctor. I cried the day she moved, and we have all missed her very much since. Whoever has the chance to meet her has been blessed, she is a very special person. We love you Dr. Mouna!

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Michael Mark DORSETT MD
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Michael Mark DORSETT recommended by Deborah :

He has been my dr. for 20 years, is also my daughters. Delivered 3 of my grandchildren, he is a wonderful dr and a warm caring wonderful man! He takes a personal interest and is like the "old fashioned" kind of dr, never too busy to talk or care! WE LOVE HIM!

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Obstetrics & Gynecology
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John B RASHIDIAN recommended by Leigh Ann L :

A doctor that truly cares about the pateint and thier overall wellbeing.

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New York
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Oona LIM recommended by Melissa :

Always a comforting and wonderful experience. Whether a routine office visit or a serious issue, I have all the confidence in the world in this doctor and recommend her highly. Always cheerful, comforting and compassionate.

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Joseph Paul VICE MD
Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Joseph Paul VICE recommended by Joy D :

Dr Vice is wonderful. His bedside manner is terrific and he seems to really care about each and everyone of his patience. He gives you your options and the pros and cons of each and lets you decide what you want to do.

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